Indian Family Businesses
It’s Time to Take a Bold Step
We help family businesses build lasting happiness, growth and abundance
We work with progressive Indian Family Businesses — helping them transform into respectable global companies — and with smaller family businesses looking for accelerated growth and new capabilities. We partner with them to deliver the promise of harmony, unity, growth and abundance of love and prosperity. Our expertise helps the family businesses find their truest powers for creating financial, emotional, spiritual and social capital for generations.
Over the years, we have delivered turnkey family and business management projects across Surat, Mumbai, Jaipur, London, Chicago, Zurich and other parts of the world.
Our Research Suggests,
Indian Family Businesses today worry about these 6 major challenges…
How We Can Help
The Practice of Family Business
This practice at SOCH helps your family business build its identity that lasts. We help your family business turn your unique long-term vision, values and legacy into reality.
We do this by developing your family constitution, family governance, family office, succession planning, business continuity, next-generation education, transition, and leadership development. No matter at which stage you are in your family and its business, we are here to provide solutions for you to move forward.
As best family business consultants, our projects aim at the ultimate outcomes that the family businesses aim to achieve for themselves.
The Practice of Business & Organisation Transformation
The true strength of a business is in its ability to adapt, creating a unique opportunity for it to grow. We help businesses to achieve profitable growth sustainably and deliver valuable results relevant to your purpose.
Explore further our practice of Business and Organisation to learn more about how we’re approaching Growth & Transformation differently.. and why we think we can help you succeed.
As best business management consultants, our customised and personalised projects haven proven to deliver exponential results across Surat, Mumbai, and other parts of the world.
The Leadership Practice
Leadership is about delivering business results. Our leadership practice helps our clients forge long-standing trust in their business relationships.
Our practice helps business owners and leaders at all levels of the organisation develop the leadership language, perspectives, knowledge, skills and systems to solve strategic problems with clarity and confidence. Over the years, we have helped 150+ leaders across 5 continents, build and run successful multi-billion dollar enterprises through our leadership practice.
Being the most distinguished business mentors in Surat and Mumbai, we have been able to deliver some of the world-class results for our clientele across the globe.
The Practice of Governance
This practice of SOCH helps our clients to build an enterprise-wide system for trust and character. Most family businesses in India lack systemic-level governance, making it difficult to grow beyond a certain level.
This practice has helped our clients develop mechanisms to ensure control, manage risks and diversify with ease and efficiency. Governance may seem less important, but in reality, it is a critical function for businesses to avoid unwarranted loss of financial capital, human capital, morale capital and social capital.
The Practice of Enterprise
The scalability and accelerated pace of growth of any business is highly dependent on technology beyond a certain point of time and maturity of the business. This practice at SOCH has helped business owners plan for their enterprise architecture to harness and invest in opportunities ahead of their time.
This practice has helped clients design, develop and implement their business operating model (BOM) and technology operating model (TOM) – the synergy of which can deliver both scale and speed. If your family business is growing in new geographies, new products and/or new markets, enterprise architecture will help you unlock the untapped value of the opportunity in the short-run as well as the long run.
Featured Insights
Thoughts, Observations, Experiences and Narrations to help you…
Growth Emotions
Have you ever wondered how today’s billionaire family business founders felt when they arrived in a new city with no money, leaving behind their childhood in a village with their parents and siblings? Can you feel their pain, lostness, fear, next-several-hours-of-no-meal? Can you imagine and feel for few breaths their state of minds and hearts?
Your tunnel vision is killing your potential
“I have thought about it. I don’t think I need to focus on this now. This project can wait.” “My company is earning profits. Why bother about transformation?” “I have a plan for my business. I just need good people to execute my plan.” Sounds familiar? In my working with close to 200 global chairman, leaders,
Leaders who create, don’t hope
Dear leaders, Don’t hope for the best. Leaders who create, don’t hope. They know. Has it ever occurred to you what it takes for creators? Creators of reality. The realities that would have never existed without them. The subtle difference as it may appear between Creator-ship and Leader-ship, can be hugely advantageous. If you are stuck for long
Want to become a $100 billion company? | STEP ONE: DECIDE
It is no surprise when you find spearheading leaders, whom I call limitless creators, stop at nothing. Recent studies of leadership at Walmart ($657.3 billion yearly revenue; Market Cap: $569.37 billion), Alphabet, Google ($ 318 billion yearly revenue; Market Cap: $2.203 trillion), Apple ($381.4 billion yearly revenue; Market Cap: $3.437 trillion), Amazon ($590.4 billion yearly