A true leader embraces fantasy (and does not dismiss it as nonsense)
By SOCH Business Mentors LLP Posted June 11, 2024 in Leadership
By SOCH Business Mentors LLP Posted June 11, 2024 in Leadership
During one of my chairman coaching session, a 62-year young chairman of a 5th generation family business asked me: Chetan, why do you insist on discussing the next level of fantasy that I may hold? I am rather finding it difficult to think about it.
I asked him: Do you have grandchildren?
He replied: Yes, a lovely fleet of grandchildren!
I asked: What you love most about them?
He said: When they speak their minds.
I said: Be more specific and tell me a bit more.
He said: Well, when they tell me their wild imaginations.
I said: Hm… Think about it. Why do you like them saying their wild imaginations?
He said: Because it just comes so natural to them. I find them filled with excitement and joy.
I asked: Did you ask them to stop and not fantasise? Or did you not just get in the flow with them into their world of imagination?
He said: No. I didn’t want them to stop.
I asked: Why?
He said: I really don’t know why.
I said: You chose not to stop them because you believe deeply that it is the most important faculty of our life where we build the future of our true wants and desires, so that our soul cherishes and nourishes itself.
It is not the mental picture but a spiritual picture of what it is that you want and aspire to create in this world. The spirit is simply using mind as a tool to help your consciousness project its desire to your conscious senses.
This is exactly where you create your vision.
It is your internal map of the next increase in life that you wish to see and commit to.
Unfortunately, right from that time as a child we were taught that we were wrong to fantasise and in fact, taught that it is plain ill to have fantasies.
How poor one can be to have such belief despite having even all world’s wealth in their locker or bank account?
Do you see now?
I said: Let me work on your fantasy. It knows no boundaries – social or mental because it is in the realm of spirituality and not the norms that society has created.
I would help you and love to work through you to accept & create this fantasy.
Fantasy is where everything starts. You are given the most powerful mind and infinitely mysterious heart only to fulfil the soul’s work through the body & mind you are given.
Feel this for a moment in your stillness.
The impact and spiritual growth you wish to create in your next 20 years or 2000 years’ through legacy is an opportunity to thrive on.
I got his nod.
He gave permission to himself for us to build vision for the next increase of his life.
This is what I call the point of decisiveness. A decision he took. He knows.
You see, people talk a lot but when a decision is taken – silence fills every breath.
This silence has a sound of success. It says that I will see through now whatever it maybe in the way. This is the road for the want that appears as fantasy, but such is the path for which you are born.
I can see when the eye of a man speaks volumes of what he is now committed to get done. It is even clear to a child who could see those after-decision eyes. Think about this.
It’s the V word here that makes it beautiful. V – Vulnerability. This is the birthplace for all love you need to make this creativity, a reality.
I got his nod.
He gave permission to himself for us to build vision for the next increase of his life.
This is what I call the point of decisiveness. A decision he took. He knows.
You see, people talk a lot but when a decision is taken – silence fills every breath.
This silence has a sound of success. It says that I will see through now whatever it maybe in the way. This is the road for the want that appears as fantasy, but such is the path for which you are born.
I can see when the eye of a man speaks volumes of what he is now committed to get done. It is even clear to a child who could see those after-decision eyes. Think about this.
It’s the V word here that makes it beautiful. V – Vulnerability. This is the birthplace for all love you need to make this creativity, a reality.
I asked the chairman:
Now that a decisive moment has arrived, let’s get into a methodical process of executing the vision through a purpose-built charter of his (best) people.
He asked: Why do you have a place for this word best?
I said to him: See, I don’t believe in best as appropriate word to describe best people. People are people. Your job is to connect them to your mission. If you are sufficiently & authentically immersed into your mission, then it is half battle won for helping people deepen their connection to the mission. It is this lot of people who are connected for their own purpose and reasons to your mission – and if they are skilled not only deeply trusted – are the best people.
In my consulting work, then I take probably a profound execution path for creating that impact and spirituality through mission that you wish to deliver for experiencing your life results as your fantasy. This is where my job is done. And, the Chairman by now is a completely different person.