SOCH Business Mentors LLP

SOCH Business Mentors LLP

We work with leaders and family businesses to build lasting legacy.

Growth Emotions

Have you ever wondered how today’s billionaire family business founders felt when they arrived in a new city with no money, leaving behind their childhood in a village with their parents and siblings?  Can you feel their pain, lostness, fear, next-several-hours-of-no-meal?   Can you imagine and feel for few breaths their state of minds and hearts?  

Leaders who create, don’t hope

Dear leaders,  Don’t hope for the best.   Leaders who create, don’t hope. They know.  Has it ever occurred to you what it takes for creators?  Creators of reality. The realities that would have never existed without them.   The subtle difference as it may appear between Creator-ship and Leader-ship, can be hugely advantageous.   If you are stuck for long

Want to become a $100 billion company? | STEP ONE: DECIDE

It is no surprise when you find spearheading leaders, whom I call limitless creators, stop at nothing.  Recent studies of leadership at Walmart ($657.3 billion yearly revenue; Market Cap: $569.37 billion), Alphabet, Google ($ 318 billion yearly revenue; Market Cap: $2.203 trillion), Apple ($381.4 billion yearly revenue; Market Cap: $3.437 trillion), Amazon ($590.4 billion yearly

Dear family business

Dear Family Business,  Can you imagine an asset that helps you ceaselessly and boundlessly grow your yearly business earnings? How would you feel if your earning grows in volume, speed and touches more & more lives through your business?   Would you value an asset that practically is timeless and powerful enough to keep your families’

Your tunnel vision is killing your potential

“I have thought about it. I don’t think I need to focus on this now. This project can wait.”  “My company is earning profits. Why bother about transformation?”  “I have a plan for my business. I just need good people to execute my plan.”  Sounds familiar? In my working with close to 200 global chairman, leaders,

Invest once & reap the rewards for centuries by creating a perpetual asset that continuously fosters prosperity, harmony, and union-ship

This perpetual asset is a Family Constitution System through an expert-designed process  A family constitution system is an implemented family constitution using family governance. This system is the bedrock for growing your prosperity and identity not only year after year, but, for hundreds of years.   This system of family governance and family constitution gives a

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