Achieving sustainable business performance in changing times

By SOCH Business Mentors LLP Posted February 17, 2018 in Business & Organisation

Achieving sustainable business performance in changing times

‘Sustainable’ and ‘Performance’ are two such words which add to the meaning of each other. Performance without sustainability would be like a bubble effect that would happen once but wouldn’t last. Sustainability without any performance is meaningless as there will be no results.

The question that arises then is how can businesses achieve sustainable performance in changing times.

For example, what makes a successful golf player perform and win match after match, year after year. There could be many ways of looking at the same – one could say practice, hard work, focus and such others. We call it his engagement in his game.

When we tried to decode the connection between both, we found the source in the ‘engagement’, meaning how engaged are the people to bring results. And this, would then enable sustainable performance.

In a business, to bring performance which is sustainable in nature – there are 3 levers –

  1. Stakeholder alignment
  2. Strategic alignment
  3. Business systems and processes

Each of these levers are inter-dependent yet independent.

Stakeholder alignment gives mission integrity. Strategic alignment gives direction integrity. Business systems and processes give behaviour integrity.

Do you think, any of the above can be less focused on, in your journey of achieving sustainable business performance?

The challenge is – where do you start in order to achieve sustainable performance?

All the three levers are independent but in our experience, we have realised that the best results can be achieved if we start with aligning the stakeholders (Stakeholder alignment) to their source of collective decision making so that the stakeholders are aware as to ‘What is the core philosophy and stakeholder psychology that governs the business decisions?’