Family Businesses, Give resolve and get yourself saved from the worst of fate
By SOCH Business Mentors LLP Posted November 28, 2023 in Family business
By SOCH Business Mentors LLP Posted November 28, 2023 in Family business
It doesn’t matter how and how much you allocate meaning to one of the many below-stated words that give aroma and sense of this profoundly important word – Resolve.
Resolve can mean any of the below words’ sense and meaning to your heart.
Determination, resolution, firmness of purpose, persistence of purpose, purpose, purposefulness, resoluteness, single-mindedness, strength of will, strength of character, willpower, firmness, intentness, decision, decidedness; steadfastness, staunchness, manfulness, perseverance, persistence, indefatigability, tenacity, tenaciousness, staying power, strong-mindedness, backbone, dedication, commitment, constancy, the bulldog spirit, pertinacity, pertinaciousness; stubbornness, doggedness, obstinacy, obdurateness, obduracy, inflexibility; spiritedness, braveness, bravery, boldness, courage, courageousness, pluck, pluckiness, stout-heartedness…
If you gave it a read and found a word closest to your meaning of resolve, then simply connect with the spirit of the word you found closest to.
It is this spirit that helps families find their way in giving priority to topics like family institutionalisation.
Give priority to the resolve of keeping the family together.
It’s a resolve, and there is no dilly-dallying in that. It must be fed with importance higher and above anything else when it is a priority.
Once you have it sealed, the next step is to understand the following:
The secret of getting ahead is to get started – Mark Twain
Meaning the key to realising: No matter how daunting the tasks appear for transforming your family’s ways of working through institutionalisation – It is as simple as acting on the resolve for the first step of building a constitution of your family.
Anyone saying let’s do family office first or succession plan or anything really but the constitution, do not listen to all such misleading advice. They simply try to avoid the conversation and associated emotions to build a constitution. They are afraid.
It is like this: Many marriages enter in a few years or months into discussing technical aspects such as social-related, home-improvements, and other-menial things but real emotions. Why? Because it’s easy.
Both know that when they believe they are in love and get married, they aren’t expecting how the other person would meet their expectations. So, they find peace, make friends with ignorance and advance their relationship with it.
They are drifting apart, but talking about it will be difficult, and instead, they talk about everything else but the love they once felt in their souls and hearts.
They fail to realise that:
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” — Brené Brown
What does this all have to do with family institutionalisation and its first step in building a constitution?
Experts who understand to its grain the nature of a constitution that will stay eternal know that invitation to vulnerability through the process will forge bonds. The bonds of heads, hearts, souls, and spirit, too.
These are not mere emotional bonds but bonds based on broad maturity and depth that the process will teach participants and even near-ones. Such bonds among the members cannot be broken or affected by guaranteed storms that they would face from outside and inside themselves during the living of the constitution.
Among many other rare timeless lessons, building a constitution teaches everyone’s cell that “The quality of your life ultimately depends on the quality of your relationships, especially your relationship with the truths in your heart.”
If you never lived them out, you are drifting into a world of unknownness that will get scary.
Thus, it is critical for family businesses to first and foremost have a resolve or be open
to having it built with the help of people who know what it takes to create a
constitution which delivers its promises.
I hope this helps.