Without their permissions, what would our world be? 

By SOCH Business Mentors LLP Posted October 16, 2023 in Leadership

Without their permissions, what would our world be? 

I was ten years old when I came across the story of the Indian emperor Ashoka. He had ascended the throne after killing his brothers.  

As king, he waged upon bloody war to bring other kingdoms under his subjugation, building a vast empire that swept across the Indian subcontinent.  

But that is not why he is revered by the people of India! 

One day, Ashoka stepped on the battlefield to witness the ravages of war. As he saw the wounded and the dead, the wailing widows and the orphans, his heart melted. He realized the folly of his ways and committed to never wage another war.  

He still planned to pursue success, but not the kind of success he had chased until that moment.  

He spent the rest of his life using his wealth to serve his people and propagate spiritual understanding throughout his kingdom.

It is this reformed Ashoka – not the rapacious Ashoka – who reigns supreme in the hearts of Indians more than two thousand years after his death. He is commonly known as Ashoka the Great. 

When I was ten-year-old, my fascination with Ashoka stemmed from neither his former ferocity nor his later nobility, but rather from his capacity to transform himself.

Over the years seeing myself and leaders in London’s finest, I was privileged to equip them bringing transformation of reformist levels. I learned something clearer which made me absorb true lesson what I must learn from Ashoka the Great. 

The lesson is: “Ashoka could have continued the way he was if he had not given himself permission to express his spirit.” 

What would have happened if Ashoka had not given himself the permission to change and express his true spirit? 

What would have happened if Mahatma Gandhi had not given himself his permission to go all-in for freeing India? 

Same way like Wright brothers could have buried under massive pressure from non-believers and serious protestors of their idea to fly have they not given themselves permission to pursue what they believe in. 

What would have happened if Howard Shultz have not given himself his permission to go all-in for building Starbucks a truly serving people company and not a serving coffee company? 

What would have happened if Nelson Mandela had not given himself his permission to go all-in for, his dream to free South Africa? 

What would have happened if Walt Disney had not given himself his permission to go all-in for his dream of magic meet reality touching hearts of billions of people? 

How would the world be if these individuals had not given them their permission to let spirit meet manifestation of what it wants in their current life? They themselves are makers of themselves. 

Lets take a notice here: 

Ashoka gave himself his permission to build a life – We are living in this permission, aren’t we! 

Mahatma Gandhi gave himself his permission – we are living in his permission too… 

Wright brothers gave permission to themselves – We are living in their permissions, aren’t we, literally! 

Howard Schultz gave himself his permission – we are living his permission too.

Nelson Mandela gave himself his permission – we are living in his permission too

Walt Disney gave himself his permission – we are living in his permission too…

And many more who gave permission to themselves to let their spirit be manifested..

When you permit yourself you not only do one of biggest favour to yourself and more so you are doing a biggest favour to the people born and unborn yet.. 

Permissions can be given, or life goes without any manifestation. 

It is a choice you have to make.  

Permission is not an externally triggered event.  

It is an acceptance and commitment to what your spirit wants to create.