Our Insights

A collection of our insights developed for you from our real-time client engagements, solving their problems and delivering progress.

Developing an accountable family business ownership

When owners start talking about their rights rather than their responsibilities, a family business is in trouble“. – Smith Lanier  Most family businesses today are battling the challenge of ownership and succession from one generation to the other.   In one such conversation with a family of 4 brothers with nearly 7 next generation ownership members,

Leadership dilemmas – Our teachers of growth

Dilemmas come to those who want to expand their heart and create a future that counts. There are no dilemmas for leaders who give up or worst, give in. These teachers are crucial and were valued by leaders like Nelson Mandela during times when his peaceful protest was met with heightened force and violent suppression.

Leadership: The cost of your blind spots

When newcomers in London inquire about obtaining a car license and its associated costs, the responses often leave them in bewildered silence or even provoke frustration.  Back in 2002, as I was preparing to apply for a UK driving license – which is now 22 years ago – I discovered that acquiring a license in

Do you choose to not act until it is urgent, painful and expensive. Why so?

I have been noticing a pattern in thinking that affects decision making of business owners.  A pattern that truly creates a slow roasting hell, but it charms many of them, until they bring themselves to a truth of much graver losses of life and then they look back when it’s too late.   Unfortunately, that is

A lived family constitution

A constitution that is not just on paper, but lived in head, heart and soul of all members of the family  Family business is the most prevalent and pervasive form of business through all of history, and yet only recently has the world begun to recognise the importance and distinctiveness of the family-owned firms.   Success

Not able to consistently grow income is not a problem, the problem is you stopped.

A high-integrity client of mine was conveying his deep agony, in questions below:  How come other family businesses who all began their journeys during similar periods as ours and shockingly who began even later than our business have reached the level of success beyond recognition? He expressed with deep agony and curiosity filled eyes having

Succession will test your family’s bonds

The clients I worked with, with net worth of above €1 billion family businesses’ faced worst crisis during succession They witnessed the crisis of emotions amongst people who raised them and later saw a sword hanging over their own financial, relational and emotional future.   Fortunately, clients who admitted long back that they would come to

When you create what your soul asks for, you get fearless

There is a ‘thought coach’ program where I help Chairman of large and mid-size family businesses by working with them to help them reach their next levels of impossible manifestations that they hope for.  There is an unsettling line of thought I use and it always amazes them when they find it to be incredibly

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