Consulting is more.

By SOCH Business Mentors LLP Posted July 4, 2018 in Business & Organisation

Consulting is more.

Most often, businesses fail to understand the role and impact of consulting. This limited awareness of consulting often results in them choosing quicker and short-term solutions which do not deliver the desired results, ultimately resulting in an even poorer state, loss of confidence and most important of all, loss of time.

Understanding consulting…

Consulting is all about solving real-world business problems from a practitioner’s point-of-view. As a consultant, your prime role is to understand 2 things about a business problem – First, the problem itself and second, more importantly, the ever-changing environment in which the problem exists.  Where does this problem solving begin? It begins with gaining clarity of the current state-of-affairs and going deep to understand the roots of each – the associated facts, the underlying assumptions, the unclear aspirations and mainly, the expectations.

The reason why consulting is different from training, seminars, workshops, education, motivation or any other form of knowledge sharing is because it deals with the REAL. REAL here means the problem that exists in reality in a business at a given point in time. Consultants understand also the strategic impact that a solution might have on the overall business i.e. A business consultant is working on the cost restructuring of your company to increase cost-effectiveness when proposes a solution, considers its impact on the product, the people, the departments and mainly, the overall business performance. It is not a mere change in cost sometimes. Consultants try to build a solution that is fit for the problem

Thus, to build a solution that is fit for the environment, fit for the business as a whole and fit for the stakeholders & its people – they need to have expertise that goes beyond the knowledge of books or google alone. It takes a practical hands-on experience of more than a decade of developing a business specific solution.

Consultants are not gods. They don’t know everything, nobody does. What they know is how to discover the realities of the business, the market, and any challenge or opportunities through a structured process. Their skill lies in discovering, designing change and making people accept change in a way that the people co-operate throughout the implementation of change.